BGIndustry specializes in the production, provision of services related to customer’s finished products and sales of high-quality heat shrink products used to manufacture state-of-the-art pre insulated piping systems for heating, cooling and industrial sectors. Our machinery consists of new and modern production equipments. The offer of BGIndustry includes standard and custom-made products – in accordance with the agreed technical specifications. In addition to production and sales, we also provide consultancy and advisory services to our customers. We offer shrink sleeves, reduction shrink sleeves and reduction with butt welding, end muffs, main pipes and valves. Range of diameters (at present) from DN 90 to DN 450. For the production of our products we use high density HDPE PE 100 class polyethylene material.
We offer state-of-the-art products that enable us to increase our sales volume to the most profitable target industries, and win new markets in many other industrial sectors.
Certified quality. We have obtained PN-EN 489:2009 certification, issued by the FFI Fernwarme Institute.
Our goal is to achieve the shortest delivery time at the best possible price.